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If you intend to copy the contained text, drawings or paintings, please give the name of the author (Kadrane) and the address of these web site (

This copyright enables you to copy or print the content of this website so many times you want for you own usage. The only restriction concerns the publication by other people. In such a case, the author name (Kadrane) and the website ( must be clearly referred.

For instance, if you intend to insert pictures from this website as illustration into an article posted on the web, the only obligation for you is to add at a visible position (e.g. at the end of the article) a readable text like this one: "Illustrations drawn by Kadrane (".

If you intend to sale publications (books, newspaper, etc) containing pictures from this website, there is no fees if references to the author name and to this site are clear and explicit.

This copyright forbids explicitly to modify these pictures and reuse these pictures as signed by somebody else than Kadrane.

If you have questions about this copyright, please ask on the email .